Bacon, Francis, Sylva sylvarum : or, a natural history in ten centuries

Table of contents

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          Poyſoning of air # 201
          Poyſoning by ſmells, ibid. 202. Caution
          # touehing poyſoning # ib.
          Poyſonous Creatures love to lie under Odo-
          # rate Herbs # 138
          Precious ſtones comfort the ſpirits # 208
          Preſervation of bodies from corruption # 28
          Preſervation of Fruits in Sirrups, 129.
          # Alſo in powders, ibid. when to gather
          # fruits for preſervation, ibid. Alſo in
          # Bottles in a well, ib. Preſerving Grapes
          # long, ib. Another waythereof # 134
          Prickles of Trees # 116, 117
          Procreations by copulation, and by putre.
          # faction, 194. The cauſe of each # ibid.
          # 195
          Prognoſticks for plenty or ſcarcity, 138. of
          # peſtilential years, 141, 155, 172, 173.
          # Of cold and long winters, 174. By Bir
          # 175. Of an hot and dry ſummer, ib. By
          # the Birds alſo, ib. of winds, ib. Of great
          # tempeſts, ib. Of rain, ib. From living
          # creatures, ibid. From water fowls and
          # land fowls, 176. From fiſhes, ibid. From
          # beaſts, ib. From herbs, ibid. From aches
          # in mens bodies, ibid. From worms, ibid.
          # From the ſweating of ſolid bodies # ibid.
          Proprieties ſecret # 117, 214
          Purging Medicines, 5. Have their virtue
          # in a fine ſpirit. Endure not boiling, ibid.
          # Taking away their unpleaſant taſte, ibid.
          # Several ways of the operations of purg-
          # ing Medicines, 10, 11, 12. They work
          # upon their proper Humors, 11. Medi-
          # cines that purge by ſtool, and that purge
          # by urine, 12. Their ſeveral cauſes, ibid.
          # work in theſe ways as they are given in
          # quantity, ib. Preparations before purg-
          # ing, 18. want of preparatives, what
          # hurt it doth, both in purging, ibid. and
          # after purging # ibid.
          Putrefaction, 73. Acceleration of it, ibid.
          # The cauſe of putrefaction, ibid. Putre-
          # faction, whence, 74. Ten means of in-
          # ducing putrefactions, ibid. Prohibiting
          # of putrefaction, 75. Ten means of pro-
          # hibiting it, ibid. 76. Inceptions of pu-
          # trefaction, 79. Putrefactions for the
          # moſt part ſmellill, 177. The cauſe, ibid.
          # Putrefaction from what cauſes it com-
          # eth, 178. Putrefaction induced by the
          # Moon-beams # 192
          Putrefactions of living creatures, have
          # cauſed Plagues # 102
          Putrefied bodies moſt odious to a creature of
          # the ſame kinde # ibid.
          Pyrrhus had his Teeth undivided # 158
          Pythagoras his Philoſophy # 197
          QVarries that grow hard # 183
          Quick-ſilver will conſerve Bodies
          # 168
          Quick-ſilver fixed to the hardneſs of Lead
          # 182
          RAcking of Wine or Beer # 68
          Rain in Egyßt ſcarce, 161. The canſe
          thereof, ibid. Several prognoſticks of Rain
          # 175, 176
          Rainbow ſaid to bring ſweetneſs of odor to
          # Plants under it # 176, 177
          Rams skins good to be applied to wounds
          # 139
          Red within ſome few fruits # 109
          Red juyce in Plants # 132
          Reeds # 134
          Refining of Metals # 183
          Refraction cauſeth the ſpecies viſible to
          # appear bigger, 160. Other obſervations
          # about Refractions # ibid.
          Repletion hindreth Generation # 94
          Reſt cauſeth Putrefaction # 75
          Retardation of Germination # 92
          Rew helpeth the Fig-tree # 102
          Rheumes, how cauſed # 11
          Rice a nouriſhing meat # 13
          Right-ſide and left, 190. Senſes alike ſtrong
          # on both ſides, Limbs ſtrongeſt on the
          # Right, ibid. The cauſe of each # ibid.
          Rooms built for health # 20
          Roots of fruit trees multiplied, 93, 94.
          # Root made great, 95. By applying Pani-
          # cum about it, ibid. Roots potted, grow
          # greater, 99, 100. Roots preſerved all
          # winter, ibid. Roots of Trees that deſcend
          # deep, 133, 134. Others that ſpred more,
          # ibid. The cauſe of each, ibid. Roots of
          # Plants of three ſorts, Bulbous, Fibrous,
          # Hirſute # 128
          Roſa Solis the Herb # 104
          Roſes Damask how conſerved # 81
          Rubarb infuſed, 4, 5. Fora ſhort time beſt,
          # ibid. Repeated may be as ſtrong as Scam-
          # momy, ibid. A Benedict Medicine, 5.
          # caution in the taking thereof # 11
          Ruſt of Metals # 74
          SAtiety in Meats # 66
          Salamander, 186, 187. The cauſe that
          # it endureth the fire # ib.
          Salt a good Compoſt, 133. Salt in Plants, 132.