Boyle, Robert, New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air and its effects, 1660

Table of figures

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              to keep a Cylinder of water of above
              a Foot in height from falling to the bot­
              tom of the Tube, may well enough be
              ſuppoſ'd capable of keeping ſo broad a flat
              Marble from deſcending. </s>
              <s>And though this
              may ſeem a ſtrange proof of the ſtrength of
              the ſpring of Air, ev'n when rarified, yet it
              will ſcarce ſeem incredible to him that has
              obſerv'd how exceeding ſtrong a coheſion
              may be made betwixt broad Bodies, one­
              ly by their immediate touching one ano­
              ther. </s>
              <s>A notable inſtance of which, I
              have met with in this ſhort Narrative of
                < n="marg39"/>
              the Learned
                <emph type="italics"/>
              Zucchius. </s>
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              (ſays he)
                <emph type="italics"/>
              lacertorum ſuorum robur: jactanti propo­
              ſita ſemel eſt lamina ærea, per anſam in
              medio extantem apprehenſam elevanda è
              tabula marmorea, cui optime congruebat:
              qui primo tanquam rem ludicr am puero
              committendam contempſit: tum inſtanti­
              bus amicis manum utrámque admovens,
              cum luctatus diu hærentem non removiſſet,
              excuſavit impotentiam, objecta perigrini
              & potentiſsimi glutinis interpoſitione, quo
              fortiſsime copulante nequiret divelli; do­
              nec vidit ab alio per tabulam facilimè lami­
              nam deduci, & ad extrema product am, &
              actam in tranſverſum inàe deportari.
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              <s> But
              that we may learn from our own Engine, </s>