Boyle, Robert, New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air and its effects, 1660
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1of 28 pounds (each conſiſting of ſixteen
Ounces) being faſtned to one of the teeth
of the Sucker, drew it down ſlowly e­
nough; when the upper Orifice of the
Cylinder was left open, though by the
help of Oyl and Water, and by the fre­
quent moving the Sucker up and down
with the Manubrium, its motion in the
Cylinder had been before purpoſely faci­
This done, the upper Orifice of
the Cylinder was very carefully and cloſe­
ly ſtopp'd, the Valve being likewiſe ſhut
with its wonted Stopple well oyl'd, af­
ter the Sucker had been again impell'd
up to the top of the Cylinder.
Then to
the precedent twenty eight pound, we
added a hundred and twelve pounds more,
which forcing down the Sucker, though
but leiſurely, we took off the twenty
eight pound weight; and being unable to
procure juſt ſuch weights as we would
have had, we hung on, inſtead of it, one
of fourteen pound, but found that, with
the reſt, unable to carry down the Sucker.
And to ſatisfie our ſelves, and the Spe­
ctators, that it was the reſiſtance of the
ambient Air that hinder'd the deſcent of
ſo great a weight, after that we had try'd
that upon unſtopping the Valve, and

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