The 19th Experiment, touching the ſub
ſiding of a Cylinder of Water, 140 &c. The
ſame try'd in a ſmall Receiver. 143
ſiding of a Cylinder of Water, 140 &c. The
ſame try'd in a ſmall Receiver. 143
The 20th Experiment, touching the Ela
ter of Water, with a digreſsive Experiment
to the ſame purpoſe 144 &c.
ter of Water, with a digreſsive Experiment
to the ſame purpoſe 144 &c.
The 21 Experiment, being a proſecution
of the former Enquiry, by Experimenting
the Generation of Bubbles under Water, a
recital of ſome notable Circumſtances, with
ſome obſervable Corollary's deduc'd there
from. 147 &c.
of the former Enquiry, by Experimenting
the Generation of Bubbles under Water, a
recital of ſome notable Circumſtances, with
ſome obſervable Corollary's deduc'd there
from. 147 &c.
The 22d Experiment, tending to a deter
mination of the Enquiry propoſ'd in the for
mer Experiment, by proving the matter of
theſe Bubbles from their permanency to be
Air: The Experiments try'd in the great
and ſmall Receivers, evincing the ſame
thing, 155 &c. An Experiment wherein
there appear'd Bubbles in Quick-ſilver,
160. The Authors Inference, 162. A di
greſsive Enquiry, whether or no Air may be
generated anew; with ſeveral Hiſtories and
Experiments, tending to the reſolving and
clearing thereof. 162 &c The Authors ex
cuſe for ſo long a Digreſsion. 181
mination of the Enquiry propoſ'd in the for
mer Experiment, by proving the matter of
theſe Bubbles from their permanency to be
Air: The Experiments try'd in the great
and ſmall Receivers, evincing the ſame
thing, 155 &c. An Experiment wherein
there appear'd Bubbles in Quick-ſilver,
160. The Authors Inference, 162. A di
greſsive Enquiry, whether or no Air may be
generated anew; with ſeveral Hiſtories and
Experiments, tending to the reſolving and
clearing thereof. 162 &c The Authors ex
cuſe for ſo long a Digreſsion. 181