Boyle, Robert, New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air and its effects, 1660

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1them bemore exactly try'd by the Tori­
cellian Experiment, if we could get Tubes
ſo accurately blown and drawn, that the
Cavity were perfectly Cylindrical.
To dwell upon all the ſeveral Refle­
ctions, that a ſpeculative Wit might
make upon this and the foregoing Expe­
riment: (I mean the thirty third and thir­
ty ſecond, would require almoſt a Vo­
lume, whereas our occaſions will ſcarce
allow us time to touch upon three or
four of the chief Inferences that ſeem de­
ducible from them, and therefore we ſhall
content our ſelves to point at thoſe
And firſt, as many other Phænomena
of our Engine, ſo eſpecially, the two
lately mention'd Experiments, ſeem ve­
ry much to call in queſtion the receiv'd
Opinion of the Nature or Cauſe of Su­
For 'tis true indeed, that when men
ſuck, they commonly uſe ſome manifeſt
endeavour by a peculiar motion of their
Mouthes, Cheſts, and ſome other conſpi­
ring parts, to convey to them the body
to be ſuckt in.
And hence perhaps they
have taken occaſion, to think that in all

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