Alberti, Leone Battista, Architecture, 1755

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              may be alſo formed by
              adding a
                <emph type="italics"/>
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              and a
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                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              to the
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              and how this is done, is manifeſt by
              what we have ſaid above: But for its clearer
              Explanation, we ſhall give a further Inſtance
              of it here. </s>
              <s>The Number two, for Example,
              by Means of a
                <emph type="italics"/>
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              is made three, which
              by a
                <emph type="italics"/>
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              becomes four, which four
              being doubled makes eight.
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            <p type="main">
              <s>OR rather in the following Manner. </s>
              <s>Let us
              take the Number three; this being doubled
              makes ſix, to which adding another three, we
              have nine, and adding to this a third of itſelf,
              it produces twelve, which anſwers to three in a
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                <emph.end type="italics"/>
                < n="table15"/>
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                  <emph type="italics"/>
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                <cell>a third added</cell>
                <cell>a third added</cell>
            <p type="main">
              <s>THE Architects make uſe of all the ſeveral
              Proportions here ſet down, not confuſedly and
              indiſtinctly, but in ſuch Manner as to be con­
              ſtantly and every way agreeable to Harmony:
              As, for Inſtance, in the Elevation of a Room
              which is twice as long as broad, they make
              uſe, not of thoſe Numbers which compoſe the
              Triple, but of thoſe only which form the
              Duple; and the ſame in a Room whoſe Length
              is three Times its Breadth, employing only its
              own proper Proportions, and no foreign ones,
              that is to ſay, taking ſuch of the triple Pro­
              greſſions above ſet down, as is moſt agreeable
              to the Circumſtances of their Structure. </s>
              are ſome other natural Proportions for the Uſe
              of Structures, which are not borrowed from
              Numbers, but from the Roots and Powers of
              Squares. </s>
              <s>The Roots are the Sides of ſquare
              Numbers: The Powers are the Areas of thoſe
              Squares: The Multiplication of the Areas
              produce the Cubes. </s>
              <s>The firſt of all Cubes,
              whoſe Root is one, is conſecrated to the Deity,
              becauſe, as it is derived from One, So it is
              One every Way; to which we may add, that
              it is the moſt ſtable and conſtant of all Fi­
              gures, and the very Baſis of all the reſt. </s>
              if, as ſome affirm, the Unite be no Number,
              but only the Source of all others, we may then
              ſuppoſe the firſt Number to be the Number
              two. </s>
              <s>Taking this Number two for the Root,
              the Areas will be four, which being raiſed up
              to a Height equal to its Root, will produce a
              Cube of eight; and from this Cube we may
              gather the Rules for our Proportions; for here
              in the firſt Place, we may conſider the Side of
              the Cube, which is called the Cube Root,
              whoſe Area will in Numbers be ſour, and the
              compleat or entire Cube be as eight. </s>
              <s>In the
              next Place we may conſider the Line drawn
              from one Angle of the Cube to that which is
              directly oppoſite to it, ſo as to divide the Area
              of the Square into two equal Parts, and this is
              called the Diagonal. </s>
              <s>What this amounts to
              in Numbers is not known: Only it appears
              to be the Root of an Area, which is as Eight
              on every Side; beſides which it is the Diago­
              nal of a Cube which is on every Side, as twelve,
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              <s>LASTLY, In a Triangle whoſe two ſhorteſt
              Sides form a Right Angle, and one of them
              the Root of an Area, which is every Way as
              four, and the other of one, which is as twelve,
              the longſt Side ſubtended oppoſite to that
              Right Angle, will be the Root of an Area,
              will be the Root of an Area, which is as ſix­
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            <p type="margin">
                < id="marg49"/>
            <p type="main">
              <s>THESE ſeveral Rules which we have here
              ſet down for the determining of Proportions,
              are the natural and proper Relations of Num­
              bers and Quantities, and the general Method
              for the Practice of them all is, that the ſhorteſt
              Line be taken for the Breadth of the Area,
              the longeſt for the Length, and the middle
              Line for the Height, tho' ſometimes ſor the
              Convenience of the Structure, they are inter­
              changed. </s>
              <s>We are now to ſay ſomething of
              the Rules of thoſe Proportions, which are not
              derived from Harmony or the natural Pro­
              portions of Bodies, but are borrowed elſewhere
              for determining the three Relations of an
              Apartment; and in order to this we are to
              obſerve, that there are very uſeful Conſidera­
              tions in Practice to be drawn from the Muſi­
              cians, Geometers, and even the Arithmeticians,
              of each of which we are now to ſpeak. </s>
              the Philoſophers call
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              and the Rules for them are many and various;
              but there are three particularly which are the
              moſt eſteemed; of all which the Purpoſe is,
              that the two Extreams being given, the middle
              Mean or Number may correſpond with them
              in a certain detemined Manner, or to uſe
              ſuch an Expreſſion, with a regular Affinity.
              <s>Our Buſineſs, in this Enquiry, is to conſider
              three Terms, whereof the two moſt remote
              are one the greateſt, and the other the leaſt;
              the third or mean Number muſt anſwer to