Alberti, Leone Battista, Architecture, 1755
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            <p type="main">
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              theſe other two in a juſt Relation or proporti­
              onate Interval, which Interval is the equal re­
              lative Diſtance which this Number ſtands from
              the other two. </s>
              <s>Of the three Methods moſt
              approved by the Philoſophers for finding this
              Mean, that which is called the arithmetical is
              the moſt eaſy, and is as follows. </s>
              <s>Taking the
              two extreme Numbers, as for Inſtance, eight
              for the greateſt, and four for the leaſt, you add
              them together, which produce twelve, which
              twelve being divided in two equal Parts, gives
              us ſix.
                < n="table16"/>
              < id="table16"/>
            <p type="main">
              <s>THIS Number ſix the Arithmeticians ſay, is
              the Mean, which ſtanding between four and
              eight, is at an equal Diſtance from each of
                < n="table17"/>
              < id="table17"/>
            <p type="main">
              <s>THE next Mean is that which is called the
              Geometrical, and is taken thus. </s>
              <s>Let the ſmall­
              eſt Number, for Example, four, be multiplied
              by the greateſt, which we ſhall ſuppoſe to be
              nine; the Multiplication will produce 36:
              The Root of which Sum as it is called, or the
              Number of its Side being multiplied by itſelf
              muſt alſo produce 36. The Root therefore
              will be ſix, which multiplied by itſelf is 36,
              and this Number ſix, is the Mean.
                < n="table18"/>
              < id="table18"/>
                <cell>4 Times 9</cell>
                <cell>6 Times 6</cell>
            <p type="main">
              <s>THIS geometrical Mean is very difficult to
              find by Numbers, but it is very clear by Lines;
              but of thoſe it is not my Buſineſs to ſpeak
              here. </s>
              <s>The third Mean, which is called the
              Muſical, is ſomewhat more difficult to work
              than the Arithmetical; but, however, may be
              very well performed by Numbers. </s>
              <s>In this the
              Proportion between the leaſt Term and the
              greateſt, muſt be the ſame as the Diſtance be­
              tween the leaſt and the Mean, and between the
              Mean and the greateſt, as in the following Ex­
              ample. </s>
              <s>Of the two given Numbers, let the
              leaſt be thirty, and the greateſt ſixty, which is
              juſt the Double of the other. </s>
              <s>I take ſuch
              Numbers as cannot be leſs to be double, and
              theſe are one, for the leaſt, and two, for the
              greateſt, which added together make three. </s>
              then divide the whole Interval which was be­
              tween the greateſt Number, which was ſixty,
              and the leaſt, which was thirty, into three
              Parts, each of which Parts therefore will be
              ten, and one of theſe three Parts I add to the
              leaſt Number, which will make it forty; and
              this will be the muſical Mean deſired.
                < n="table19"/>
              < id="table19"/>
            <p type="main">
              <s>AND this mean Number forty will be diſ­
              tant from the greateſt Number juſt double the
              Interval which the Number of the Mean is
              diſtant from the leaſt Number; and the Con­
              dition was, that the greateſt Number ſhould
              bear that Portion to the leaſt. </s>
              <s>By the Help of
              theſe Mediocrites the Architects have diſcover­
              ed many excellent Things, as well with Rela­
              tion to the whole Structure, as to its ſeveral
              Parts; which we have not Time here to par­
              ticularize. </s>
              <s>But the moſt common Uſe they
              have made of theſe Mediocrities, has been how­
              ever for their Elevations.</s>
            <p type="head">
              <s>CHAP. VII.</s>
            <p type="head">
                <emph type="italics"/>
              Of the Invention of Columns, their Dimenſions and Collocation.
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
            <p type="main">
              <s>It will not be unpleaſant to conſider ſome
              further Particulars relating to the three
              Sorts of Columns which the Ancients invent­
              ed, in three different Points of Time: And it
              is not at all improbable, that they borrowed the
              Proportions of their Columns from that of the
              Members of the human Body. </s>
              <s>Thus they
              found that from one Side of a Man to the
              other was a ſixth Part of his Height, and that
              from the Navel to the Reins was a tenth. </s>
              this Obſervation the Interpreters of our ſacred
              Books, are of Opinion, that
                <emph type="italics"/>
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              's Ark for
              the Flood was built according to the Propor­
              tions of the human Body. </s>
              <s>By the ſame Pro­
              portions we may reaſonably conjecture, that the
              Ancients erected their Columns, making the
              Height in ſome ſix Times, and in others ten
              Times, the Diameter of the Bottom of the </s>