Galilei, Galileo, The systems of the world, 1661

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And bringing back the Parallax 0 gr. 8 m. 30 ſec. to 7 gr.
7 m. whoſe ſine is 204, the ſtar elevateth to 30 ſemidiameters or
thereabouts; therefore the correction of 0 gr. 1 mi. 30 ſec. doth
Now let us ſee what correction is requiſite for the third
ing made upon the obſervations of Hainzelius and Tycho, which
rendereth the ſtar about 19 ſemidiameters high, with the
rallax of 10 m. pri. The uſual angles and their ſines, and chord
found by the Authour, are theſe next following; and they
move the ſtar (as alſo in the Authours working) 19
meters from the centre of the Earth.
It is neceſſary therefore for
the raiſing of it, to diminiſh the Parallax according to the Rule
which he likewiſe obſerveth in the ninth working.
Let us
fore ſuppoſe the Parallax to be 6 m. prim. whoſe ſine is 175, and
the diviſion being made, there is found likewiſe leſſe than 31
ſemidiameters for the ſtars diſtance.
And therefore the
on of 4 min. prim. is too little to ſerve the Authours

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