Boyle, Robert, New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air and its effects, 1660
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              would make them loſe their
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              <s>But being deſirous at the ſame time to
              make a tryal, for a certain Deſign that
              needs not here be mention'd, we took
              for one of our weights a dry Bladder,
              ſtrongly tyed at the Neck, and about
              half fill'd with Air (that being a weight
              both ſlight, and that would expand it
              ſelf in the evacuated Glaſs) and faſtning
              that to one part of our formerly menti­
              on'd exact ballance (which turns with the
                <emph type="sup"/>
                <emph.end type="sup"/>
              part of a Grain) we put a Metalline
              counterpoiſe into the oppoſite Scale; and
              ſo the two weights being brought to an
                <emph type="italics"/>
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              the ballance was convey'd
              into the Receiver, and ſuſpended from the
              Cover of it. </s>
            <p type="main">
              <s>But before we proceed further, we muſt
              note, That preſently after the laying on
              of the Cover, the Bladder appear'd to
              preponderate, whereupon the Scales being
              taken out, and reduc'd very near to an
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              yet ſo, that a little advantage
              remain'd on that ſide to which the Metal­
              line weight belong'd; they were again let
              down into the Receiver, which was pre­
              ſently made faſt with Plaiſter, and a hot
              Iron: Soon after which, before the Pump </s>