Boyle, Robert, New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air and its effects, 1660

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1was employ'd, the Bladder ſeem'd again
a little to preponderate.
the Air in the Glaſs being begun to be
drawn out, the Biadder began (according
to the formerly mention'd Obſervations)
to expand it ſelf, and manifeſtly to out­
weigh the oppoſite weight, drawing
down the Scale to which it was faſtned
very much beneath the other, eſpecially
when the Air had ſwell'd it to its full ex­
This done, we very leiſurely let in the
external Air; and obſerv'd, that upon
the flagging of the Bladder, the Scale
whereto it was faſtned, not onely by de­
grees return'd to an Æquilibrium with the
other, but at length was a little out­
weighed by it.
But becauſe we ſuſpected there
might have interven'd ſome unheeded
Circumſtance in this laſt part of the Ex­
periment, we would not preſently take
out the Scales, nor meddle with the Co­
ver, but leaving things as they were, we
perceiv'd, that after a little while the
Bladder began again to preponderate, and
by degrees to ſink lower and lower for
divers hours; wherefore, leaving the
Veſſel cloſ'd up all night, we repair'd to it

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