Boyle, Robert, New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air and its effects, 1660

Table of figures

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              next Morning, and found the Bladder
              fallen yet lower. </s>
              <s>As if the very ſubſtance
              of it, had imbibed ſome of the moiſture
              wherewith the Air (the Seaſon being ve­
              ry rainy) did then abound: As Lute­
              ſtrings, which are made likewiſe of the
              Membranous parts of Guts, ſtrongly
              wreath'd, are known to ſwell ſo much,
              oftentimes as to break in rainy and wet
              weather. </s>
              <s>Which conjecture is the more to
              beregarded, becauſe congruouſly unto it
              one of the company having a little warm'd
              the Bladder, found it then lighter then
              the oppoſite weight. </s>
              <s>But this muſt be
              look'd upon as a bare conjecture, till we
              can gain time to make further tryals about
              it. </s>
              <s>In the mean while we ſhall adde, that
              without removing the Scales or the Co­
              ver of the Receiver, we again cauſ'd the
              Air to be drawn out (the weather conti­
              ing very moiſt) but found not any manifeſt
              alteration in the ballance; whether be­
              cauſe the
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              was too far loſt to
              let a ſmall change appear, we determine
              not. </s>
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              <s>But to make the Experiment with a
              Body leſs apt to be altered by the tempe­
              rature of the Air, then was the Bladder;
              we brought the Scales again to an
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