Agricola, Georgius, De re metallica, 1912/1950

Table of figures

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[Figure 281]
[Figure 282]
[Figure 283]
[Figure 284]
[Figure 285]
[Figure 286]
[Figure 287]
[Figure 288]
[Figure 289]
[Figure 290]
[Figure 291]
[Figure 292]
[Figure 293]
[Figure 294]
[Figure 295]
[Figure 296]
[Figure 297]
[Figure 298]
[Figure 299]
[Figure 300]
[Figure 301]
[Figure 302]
[Figure 303]
[Figure 304]
[Figure 305]
[Figure 306]
[Figure 307]
[Figure 308]
[Figure 309]
[Figure 310]
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1are now called after the Greek name ceratía; and each double sextula is
divided into four semi-sextulae, which are called granas; and each semí-sextula
is divided into three units of four siliquae each, of which each unit is called
a grenlín. If we made the needles to be each four síliquae, there would be
two hundred and eighty-eight in a bes, but if each were made to be a semí-sextula
or a double scripula, then there would be ninety-six in a bes. By these two
methods too many needles would be made, and the majority of them, by reason
of the small difference in the proportion of the gold, would indicate nothing,
therefore it is advisable to make them each of a double sextula; in this way
twenty-four needles are made, of which the first is made of twenty-three
duellae of silver and one of gold. Fannius is our authority that the Ancients
called the double sextula a duella. When a bar of silver is rubbed on the
touchstone and colours it just as this needle does, it contains one duella of gold.
In this manner we determine by the other needles what proportion of gold
there is, or when the gold exceeds the silver in weight, what proportion of
The needles are made40:—
The 1st needle of 23 duellae of silver and 1 duella of gold.
The 2nd needle of 22 duellae of silver and 2 duellae of gold.
The 3rd needle of 21 duellae of silver and 3 duellae of gold.
The 4th needle of 20 duellae of silver and 4 duellae of gold.
The 5th needle of 19 duellae of silver and 5 duellae of gold.
The 6th needle of 18 duellae of silver and 6 duellae of gold.
The 7th needle of 17 duellae of silver and 7 duellae of gold.
The 8th needle of 16 duellae of silver and 8 duellae of gold.

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