Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667

Table of figures

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[Figure 271]
[Figure 272]
[Figure 273]
[Figure 274]
[Figure 275]
[Figure 276]
[Figure 277]
[Figure 278]
[Figure 279]
[Figure 280]
[Figure 281]
[Figure 282]
[Figure 283]
[Figure 284]
[Figure 285]
[Figure 286]
[Figure 287]
[Figure 288]
[Figure 289]
[Figure 290]
[Figure 291]
[Figure 292]
[Figure 293]
[Figure 294]
[Figure 295]
[Figure 296]
[Figure 297]
[Figure 298]
[Figure 299]
[Figure 300]
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page |< < of 701 > >|
            <p type="main">
                <pb xlink:href="040/01/297.jpg" pagenum="277"/>
                < n="table37"/>
              < id="table36"/>
                <cell>B A D</cell>
                <cell>B D C</cell>
                <cell>B C D</cell>
              < id="table37"/>
            <p type="main">
              <s>Let us come to the fourth working, and the reſt with the ſame
              rule, and with the chords and ſines found out by the Authour
              himſelf; in this the Parallax is 14
                <emph type="italics"/>
              m. </s>
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              and the height found
              leſſe than 10 ſemidiameters, and diminiſhing the Parallax from
                <emph type="italics"/>
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              to 4
                <emph type="italics"/>
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              yet nevertheleſſe you ſee that the ſtar doth not
              elevate full 31 ſemidiameters. </s>
              <s>Therefore 10
                <emph type="italics"/>
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              in 14
                <emph type="italics"/>
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
                < n="table38"/>
                < n="table39"/>
              < id="table38"/>
                <cell>B A D</cell>
                <cell>B D C</cell>
                <cell>B C D</cell>
              < id="table39"/>
            <p type="main">
              <s>In the fifth operation of the Authour we have the ſines and the
              chord as you ſee, and the Parallax is 0
                <emph type="italics"/>
              gr. </s>
              <s>42 m. </s>
              <s>30 ſec.
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              rendereth the height of the ſtar about 4 ſemidiameters, and
              recting the Parallax, with reducing it from 0
                <emph type="italics"/>
              gr. </s>
              <s>42 m. </s>
              <s>30 ſec.
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              to 0
                <emph type="italics"/>
              gr. </s>
              <s>5 m.
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              onely, doth not ſuffice to raiſe it to ſo much as 28
              midiameters, the correction therefore of 0
                <emph type="italics"/>
              gr. </s>
              <s>37 m. </s>
              <s>30 ſec.
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
                < n="table40"/>