Alberti, Leone Battista, Architecture, 1755

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              <s>Our Anceſtors have left us many and various Arts tending to the Pleaſure and
              Conveniency of Life, acquired with the greateſt Induſtry and Diligence:
              Which Arts, though they all pretend, with a Kind of Emulation, to have in
              View the great End of being ſerviceable to Mankind; yet we know that each
              of them in particular has ſomething in it that ſeems to promiſe a diſtinct and
              ſeparate Fruit: Some Arts we follow for Neceſſity, ſome we approve for their
              Uſefulneſs, and ſome we eſteem becauſe they lead us to the Knowledge of Things that are de­
              lightſul. </s>
              <s>What theſe Arts are, it is not neceſſary for me to enumerate; for they are obvious.
              <s>But if you take a View of the whole Circle of Arts, you ſhall hardly find one but what, deſpiſ­
              ing all others, regards and ſeeks only its own particular Ends: Or if you do meet with any of
              ſuch a Nature that you can in no wiſe do without it, and which yet brings along with it Pro­
              ſit at the ſame Time, conjoined with Pleaſure and Honour, you will, I believe, be convinced,
              that Architecture is not to be excluded from that Number. </s>
              <s>For it is certain, if you examine
              the Matter carefully, it is inexpreſſibly delightful, and of the greateſt Convenience to Mankind
              in all Reſpects, both publick and private; and in Dignity not inferior to the moſt excellent. </s>
              before I proceed further, it will not be improper to explain what he is that I allow to be an
              Architect: For it is not a Carpenter or a Joiner that I thus rank with the greateſt Maſters in
              other Sciences; the manual Operator being no more than an Inſtrument to the Architect.
              <s>Him I call an Architect, who, by ſure and wonderful Art and Method, is able, both with
              Thought and Invention, to deviſe, and, with Execution, to compleat all thoſe Works, which,
              by means of the Movement of great Weights, and the Conjunction and Amaſſment of Bodies,
              can, with the greateſt Beauty, be adapted to the Uſes of Mankind: And to be able to do this,
              he muſt have a thorough Inſight into the nobleſt and moſt curious Sciences. </s>
              <s>Such muſt be the
              Architect. </s>
              <s>But to return.</s>
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              <s>SOME have been of Opinion, that either Water or Fire were the principal Occaſions of bring­
              ing Men together into Societies; but to us, who conſider the Uſefulneſs and Neceſſity of Co­
              verings and Walls, it ſeems evident, that they were the chief Cauſes of aſſembling Men toge­
              ther. </s>
              <s>But the only Obligation we have to the Architect is not for his providing us with ſafe
              and pleaſant Places, where we may ſhelter ourſelves from the Heat of the Sun, from Cold and
              Tempeſt, (though this is no ſmall Benefit); but for having beſides contrived many other
              Things, both of a private and publick Nature of the higheſt Uſe and Convenience to the Life
              of Man. </s>
              <s>How many noble Families, reduced by the Calamity of the Times, had been utterly
              loſt, both in our own native City, and in others, had not their paternal Habitations preſerved
              and cheriſhed them, as it were, in the Boſom of their Forefathers.
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              in his Time was
              greatly eſteemed for having made the
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              a Vault, which gathered ſo warm and kindly
              a Vapour, as provoked a plentiful Sweat, and thereby cured their Diſtempers with great Eaſe
              and Pleaſure. </s>
              <s>Why need I mention others who have contrived many Things of the like Sort
              conducive to Health; as Places for Exerciſe, for Swimming, Baths and the like? </s>
              <s>Or why
              ſhould I inſtance in Vehicles, Mills, Time-meaſures, and other ſuch minute Things, which
              nevertheleſs are of great Uſe in Life? </s>
              <s>Why ſhould I inſiſt upon the great Plenty of Waters
              brought from the moſt remote and hidden Places, and employed to ſo many different and uſe­
              ful Purpoſes? </s>
              <s>Upon Trophies, Tabernacles, ſacred Edifices, Churches and the like, adapted </s>