Agricola, Georgius, De re metallica, 1912/1950

Page concordance

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page |< < of 679 > >|
The 2nd = 12 double sextulae.
The 3rd = 6 double sextulae.
The 4th = 3 double sextulae.
The 5th = 2 double sextulae.
The 6th = 1 double sextulae.
The 7th = 2 semí-sextulae or four semí-sextulae.
The 8th = 1 semi-sextula or 3 units of 4 síliquae each.
The 1st = 16 semunciae = 1 bes.
The 2nd = 8 semunciae
The 3rd = 4 semunciae
The 4th = 2 semunciae
The 5th = 1 semunciae or 18 units of 4 sílíquae each.
The 6th = 9 units of 4 siliquae each.
The 7th = 6 units of 4 siliquae each.
The 8th = 3 units of 4 siliquae each.
The 9th = 2 units of 4 siliquae each.
The 10th = 1 units of 4 siliquae each.
The coiners of Nuremberg who mint silver, divide the bes into sixteen sem­
, but divide the semuncía into four drachmae, and the drachma into
pfenníge. They employ nine weights.
The 1st = 16 semuncíae.
The 2nd = 8 semuncíae.
The 3rd = 4 semuncíae.
The 4th = 2 semuncíae.
The 5th = 1 semuncíae.
the 6th weight = 2 drachmae.
the 7th weight = 1 drachma or 4 pfenníge.
the 8th weight = 2 pfenníge.
the 9th weight = 1 pfenníg

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