Agricola, Georgius, De re metallica, 1912/1950

Page concordance

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The 2nd = 12 double sextulae.
The 3rd = 6 double sextulae.
The 4th = 3 double sextulae.
The 5th = 2 double sextulae.
The 6th = 1 double sextulae.
The 7th = 2 semí-sextulae or four semí-sextulae.
The 8th = 1 semi-sextula or 3 units of 4 síliquae each.
The 9th = 2 units of four siliquae each.
The 10th = 1 units of four siliquae each.
Coiners who mint silver also divide the bes of the lesser weights in the same
way as the greater weights; our people, indeed, divide it into sixteen sem­
uncíae, and the semuncia into eighteen units of four silíquae each.
There are ten weights which are placed in the other pan of the balance,
when they weigh the silver which remains from the copper that has been
consumed, when they assay the alloy with fire.
The 1st = 16 semunciae = 1 bes.
The 2nd = 8 semunciae
The 3rd = 4 semunciae
The 4th = 2 semunciae
The 5th = 1 semunciae or 18 units of 4 sílíquae each.
The 6th = 9 units of 4 siliquae each.
The 7th = 6 units of 4 siliquae each.
The 8th = 3 units of 4 siliquae each.
The 9th = 2 units of 4 siliquae each.
The 10th = 1 units of 4 siliquae each.
The coiners of Nuremberg who mint silver, divide the bes into sixteen sem­
uncíae, but divide the semuncía into four drachmae, and the drachma into
four pfenníge. They employ nine weights.
The 1st = 16 semuncíae.
The 2nd = 8 semuncíae.
The 3rd = 4 semuncíae.
The 4th = 2 semuncíae.
The 5th = 1 semuncíae.
For they divide the bes in the same way as our own people, but since they
divide the semuncía into four drachmae,
the 6th weight = 2 drachmae.
the 7th weight = 1 drachma or 4 pfenníge.
the 8th weight = 2 pfenníge.
the 9th weight = 1 pfenníg
The men of Cologne and Antwerp43 divide the bes into twelve units of
five drachmae and one scrípulum, which weights they call nummi. Each
of these they again divide into twenty-four units of four siliquae each,
which they call grenlíns. They have ten weights, of which

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