Alberti, Leone Battista, Architecture, 1755

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              the Water, muſt vary according to the Quan­
              tity of the Stream, and the Situation of the
              Pipe by which it makes it diſcharge. </s>
              greater and more rapid the Stream is from
              whence the Water is brought, the more direct
              Way it is brought, and the more it has been
              confined, the more the Mouth of the Conduit
              muſt be enlarged. </s>
              <s>If the diſcharging Pipe be
              placed direct to the Stream and Level, it will
              maintain an equal Diſcharge. </s>
              <s>It has been
              found by Experience, that this Pipe is waſted
              away by the continual Spray of the Water,
              and that no Metals ſtand it ſo well as Gold.
              <s>Thus much of Conduits and Aqueducts. </s>
              ter may alſo be brought in leaden Pipes, or ra­
              ther in earthen ones, becauſe the Phyſicians
              tell us, that thoſe of Lead occaſion an Exco­
              riation of the Bowels, and ſo too will Braſs.</s>
            <p type="main">
              <s>THE Learned tell us, that whatever we
              either drink or eat, is beſt preſerved in Veſſels
              of baked Earth, which the leaſt alters their
              Taſte; alledging that the Earth is the natural
              Place of Repoſe, as well of Water as of every
              Thing elſe which is produced by the Earth.
              <s>Wooden Pipes give Water in Time an ill Co­
              lour, and an unpleaſant Taſte. </s>
              <s>Whatever Ma­
              terial they are made of, the Pipes ought to be
              as ſtrong as poſſible. </s>
              <s>Veſſels of Braſs are apt
              to give the Epilepſy, Canker, and ſo breed Diſ­
              orders in the Liver and Spleen. </s>
              <s>The Sides of
              the Pipes muſt be in Thickneſs at leaſt one
              fourth Part of the Diameter of the Hollow,
              and the Joints of the Bricks of which they are
              made be mortiſed into one another, and ce­
              mented with unſlaked Lime mixed with
              Oil; they ſhould alſo be fortified all round
              with ſtrong Brick Work, and ſtrengthened
              a good Weight of Work over them, eſpecially
              where you bring the Water about winding, or
              where after a Deſcent it is to riſe upwards
              again, or where the Pipe upon a ſhort Turn
              is ſtraitened and made narrower. </s>
              <s>For the
              Weight and continual Preſſure of the Water,
              with the Force and Impetuoſity of its Cur­
              rent, would eaſily carry away or break the
              Bricks. </s>
              <s>Experienced Workmen, in order to
              guard againſt this Danger, and eſpecially about
              the Windings, made uſe of a living Stone,
              and particularly of the red Sort, bored through
              for the Purpoſe. </s>
              <s>I have ſeen Pieces of Marble
              above twelve Foot long bored through from
              one End to the other with a Bore of four
              Inches Diameter, which by plain Marks in the
              Stone itſelf appeared to have been made
              with an Inſtrument of Braſs turned with a
              Wheel and with Sand. </s>
              <s>In order to prevent
              the Effects of this Impetuoſity, you may
              ſlacken the Current of the Water, by making
              it run winding, not indeed with a ſharp Elbow,
              but with an eaſy Sweep, turning ſometimes to
              the Right, ſometimes to the Left, ſometimes
              riſing, ſometimes deſcending with a frequent
              Variety. </s>
              <s>To this you may add ſomewhat in
              the Nature of a Conduit-head or Mill-dam, in
              order for the Water to purify there, and alſo if
              any Defect ſhould happen, that you may the
              more eaſily come to ſee how and where it
              muſt be repaired. </s>
              <s>But theſe Heads ſhould not
              be placed in the Bottom of the Sweep of a
              Valley, nor where the Water is forced upwards,
              but where it keeps on its Courſe more equally
              and gently. </s>
              <s>If you are obliged to carry your
              Conduit-pipes through a Lake or Marſh, you
              may do it with a very ſmall Expence, in the
              following Manner. </s>
              <s>Provide ſome good Tim­
              bers of Scarlet Oak, and in them Lengthways
              cut a Gutter in Breadth and Depth in Propor­
              tion to your Pipes, which you muſt lay into
              this Gutter well cemented with Mortar, and
              bound down with good Cramps of Braſs. </s>
              having laid theſe Timbers upon a Float acroſs
              the Lake, ſaſten the Ends of them together as
              follows. </s>
              <s>You muſt have Pipes of Lead of the
              ſame Diameter as thoſe upon your Timbers,
              and of ſuch a Length as to allow for bend­
              ing as much as may be neceſſary. </s>
              leaden Pipes, you muſt inſert into your earthen
              ones, and cement their Joints with Lime
              ſlacked with Oil, and fortified with Plates of
              Braſs. </s>
              <s>Thus join the Ends of the Timber to­
              gether, as they hang over your Float, till you
              bring them from one Shore quite to the other,
              and their Heads reſt upon the dry Ground on
              each Side. </s>
              <s>Then withdraw your Float, and
              having ſecured the whole Work with good
              Ropes, where the Lake is deepeſt, let it go
              down by little and little to the Bottom, as
              equally as poſſible, all the reſt ſinking by pro­
              per Degrees along with it, by which Means
              the leaden Pipe will bend according to the
              Occaſion, and the whole will place itſelf con­
              veniently at the Bottom of the Lake. </s>
              the Conduit is prepared in this Manner with
              the firſt Water which you ſend into it throw
              in ſome Aſhes, that if any of the Joints ſhould
              happen not to be perfectly cloſe, they may ſtop
              them up, and help to cement them. </s>
              ſhould alſo let in the Water by gentle Degrees,
              leſt ruſhing in too precipitately, it ſhould
              ſtruggle with the Wind which is in the Pipe. </s>