Boyle, Robert, New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air and its effects, 1660
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1ſame ſcale, did againe very much pre-
ment 36.
We likewiſe convey'd into the Re-
ceiver, the ſame bubble, open'd at
the end of the flender pipe above men-
tioned, but having drawne out the aire,
after the accuſtomed manner, we found
not as before, the bubble to out-weigh
the oppoſite lead, ſo that by the help
of our Engine, we can weigh the Aire,
as we weigh other Bodies, in its na-
turall or ordinary conſiſtence, without
at all condenſing it: Nay, which is re-
markable, having convey'd a Lamb's
bladder about halfe full of Aire into the
Receiver, wee obſerved, that though
upon the drawing out of the ambient
aire the impriſoned Air ſo expended
it ſelf, as to diſtend the Bladder ſo, as to
ſeem ready to break it, yet this rarified
Air did manifeſtly depreſs the Scale
whereunto it was annexed.
Another thing, we muſt not forget to
mention, that happend to us, whil'ſt we were
making tryals concerning the weight of the
Air; namely, That having once cauſ'd the

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