Gravesande, Willem Jacob 's, Physices elementa mathematica, experimentis confirmata sive introductio ad philosophiam Newtonianam; Tom. 1

Table of contents

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[221.] Experimentum 2.
[222.] Experimentum 3.
[223.] Experimentum 4.
[224.] Experimentum 5.
[225.] Experimentum 6.
[226.] Experimentum 7.
[227.] Experimentum 8.
[228.] Experimentum 9.
[229.] Experimentum 10.
[230.] Experimentum 11.
[231.] Experimentum 12.
[232.] SCHOLIUM I. Uberior demonſtratio n. 558.
[233.] SCHOLIUM 2. Illuſtratio circa mutuam corporum elaſticorum actionem.
[234.] SCHOLIUM 3. Paradoxi explicatio.
[235.] CAPUT XXV. De motu compoſito.
[236.] CAPUT XXVI. De Percuſſione obliqua. Definitio 1.
[237.] Definitio. 2.
[238.] Machina.
[239.] Experimentum. I.
[240.] CAPUT XXVII. De Colliſione compoſita. Definitio.
[241.] Experimentum. 1
[242.] Experimentum 2.
[243.] Experimentum 3.
[244.] SCHOLIUM 1. Demonſtrationes n. 623. 625. 626. 627.
[245.] SCHOLIUM 2. Inveſtigatio motus memorati in n. 633.
[246.] SCHOLIUM 3. Demonſtratio n. 637.
[247.] CAPUT XXVIII. De Motu Centri gravitatis.
[248.] Definitio.
[249.] SCHOLIUM 1. Demonſtratio n. 660.
[250.] SCHOLIUM 2. Demonſtrationes n. 658. ut & 648.
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