Boyle, Robert, New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air and its effects, 1660

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1ſubtle then Air, proceeded partly from
the looſer Texture of that particular
parcel of Glaſs the Receiver was made
of (for Experience has taught us, that
all Glaſs is not of the ſame compact­
neſs and ſolidity) and partly from the
enormous heat, which, together with
the vehement agitation of the pene­
trant Spirits, open'd the Pores of the
Glaſs; then to imagine that ſuch a
ſubſtance as Air, ſhould be able to per­
meate the Body of Glaſs contrary to
the teſtimony of a thouſand Chymical
and Mechanical Experiments, and of
many of thoſe made in our Engine, e­
ſpecially that newly recited: Nay, by
our fifth Experiment it appears, that
a thin Bladder will not at its Pores
give paſſage even to rarified Air.
on this occaſion we will annex an Ex­
periment, which has made ſome of
thoſe we have acquainted with it,
doubt, whether the Corpuſcles of the
Air be not leſſe ſubtle then thoſe of
But without examining here the
reaſonableneſſe of that doubt, we will
proceed to recite the Experiment it ſelf,
which ſeems to teach, That though Air,

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