Boyle, Robert, New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air and its effects, 1660
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1terly unable to break one ſomewhat thic­
ker, within whoſe cavity it was impri­
ſon'd; whereas Air pent up and agitated
by heat is able to perform ſo much more
conſiderable effects, that (not to mention
thoſe of Rarefaction that are more obvi­
ous) the Learned Jeſuit Cabæus (he that

writ of the Load-ſtone) relates, That he
ſaw a Marble Pillar (ſo vaſt, that three
men together with diſplay'd arms could
not imbrace it, and that 1000 Yoke of
Oxen drawing it ſeveral ways with all
their ſtrength, could not have torn it
aſſunder) quite broken off in the midſt,
by reaſon of ſome Wood, which hap­
pening to be burnt juſt by the Pillar, the
heat proceeding from the neighboring
Fire, ſo rarified ſome Air or Spirituous
Matter which was ſhut up in the cavities
of the Marble, that it broke through the
ſolid Body of the Stone to obtain room
to expand it ſelf.
: Nicoi:
Cab: lib: 4.
I remember I have taken notice that
probably the reaſon why the included Air
did not break the hermetically ſeal'd Bub­
bles that remain'd intire in our emptyed
Receiver, was, That the Air, being ſome­
what rarefied by the Flame imploy'd to
cloſe the Glaſs, its Spring, upon the re-

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