Boyle, Robert, New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air and its effects, 1660

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1letter ſuppoſing the gravity of the Aire)
it will not be impertinent to determine
more particularly then hitherto we have
done, what gravity we aſcribe to it.
We tooke then an Æolipile made of
copper, weighing ſix ounces, five drachms,
and eight and forty graines: this being
made as hot as we durſt make it, (for feare
of melting the mettle, or at leaſt the So­
dar) was removed from the fire and im­
mediately ſtopped with hard wax that no
Aire at all might get in at the little
hole wont to be left in Æolipiles for the
fumes to iſſue out at: Then the Æolipile
being ſuffer'd leaſurely to coole was again
weighed together with the wax that ſtopt
it, and was found to weigh (by reaſon of
the additionall weight of the wax) ſix
ounces, ſixe drachmes, and 39 graines.
Laſtly, the wax being perforated without
taking any of it out of the Scale, the
externall Aire was ſuffered to ruſh in
(which it did with ſome noyſe) and then
the Æolipile and wax, being againe
weighed amounted to ſix ounces, ſix
drachmes, and 50. graines.
So that the
Æolipile freed as farre as our fire could
free it, from it's Aire, weighed leſſe then

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