Agricola, Georgius, De re metallica, 1912/1950

Table of figures

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[Figure 171]
[Figure 172]
[Figure 173]
[Figure 174]
[Figure 175]
[Figure 176]
[Figure 177]
[Figure 178]
[Figure 179]
[Figure 180]
[Figure 181]
[Figure 182]
[Figure 183]
[Figure 184]
[Figure 185]
[Figure 186]
[Figure 187]
[Figure 188]
[Figure 189]
[Figure 190]
[Figure 191]
[Figure 192]
[Figure 193]
[Figure 194]
[Figure 195]
[Figure 196]
[Figure 197]
[Figure 198]
[Figure 199]
[Figure 200]
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1pounds of ore; when they are filled they are covered with lids and smeared
with lute.
In Eisleben and the neighbourhood, when they roast the schistose
stone from which copper is smelted, and which is not free from bitumen,
they do not use piles of logs, but bundles of faggots.
At one time, they used
to pile this kind of stone, when extracted from the pit, on bundles of
faggots and roast it by firing the faggots; nowadays, they first of all
carry these same stones to a heap, where they are left to lie for some time in
such a way as to allow the air and rain to soften them.
Then they make a
bed of faggot bundles near the heap, and carry the nearest stones to this
bed; afterward they again place bundles of faggots in the empty place
from which the first stones have been removed, and pile over this extended
bed, the stones which lay nearest to the first lot; and they do this right up to
the end, until all the stones have been piled mound-shape on a bed of faggots.
Finally they fire the faggots, not, however, on the side where the wind is
blowing, but on the opposite side, lest the fire blown up by the force of the
wind should consume the faggots before the stones are roasted and made soft;
by this method the stones which are adjacent to the faggots take fire and
communicate it to the next ones, and these again to the adjoining ones, and
in this way the heap very often burns continuously for thirty days or more.
This schist rock when rich in copper, as I have said elsewhere, exudes a
substance of a nature similar to asbestos.
Ore is crushed with iron-shod stamps, in order that the metal may be
separated from the stone and the hanging-wall rock.8 The machines which
miners use for this purpose are of four kinds, and are made by the following
A block of oak timber six feet long, two feet and a palm square, is
laid on the ground.
In the middle of this is fixed a mortar-box, two feet and six
digits long, one foot and six digits deep; the front, which might be called a

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