Boyle, Robert, New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air and its effects, 1660

Table of figures

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1it is. And becauſe we have hitherto but
lightly touch'd upon a matter of ſuch im­
portance, we preſume it wil not be thought
impertinent, upon this occaſion, to annex
ſomething towards the Elucidation of
What we have already try'd and newly
ſet down, allows us to take it for granted,
that (at leaſt about London) the propor­
tion of gravity betwixt Water and Air,
of equal bulk, is as of a thouſand to
The next thing therefore that we are
to enquire after, in order to our preſent
deſign, is the difference in weight betwixt
Water and Quick-ſilver: And though
this hath been defin'd already by the Il­
luſtrious Verulam, and ſome other inqui­
ſitive Perſons, that have compar'd the
weight of ſeveral Bodies, and caſt their
Obſervations into Tables, yet we ſhall
not ſcruple to annex our own tryals about
it: Partly, becauſe we finde Authors
conſiderably to diſ-agree; partly, becauſe
we uſ'd exacter Scales, and a ſomewhat
more wary method then others ſeem to
have done: And partly alſo, becauſe ha­
ving proſecuted our inquiry by two or
three ſeveral ways; the ſmall difference

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