Boyle, Robert, New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air and its effects, 1660

Table of figures

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1numbers on both ſides, which the annex­
ed Fractions being reduc'd to improper
Fractions of the ſame denomination, the
proportion appear'd to be (the denomi­
nators beng left out as equal on both ſides)
as 121 to 1665; or by reduction, as one
to (13 92/121).
Beſides this unuſual way of determi­
ning the gravity of ſome things, we mea­
ſur'd the proportion betwixt Quick-ſilver
and Water, by the help of ſo exact a bal­
lance, as looſes its Æquilibrium by the
hundredth part of a Grain.
But becauſe
there is wont to be committed an over­
ſight in weighing Quick-ſilver and Wa­
ter, eſpecially if the Orifice of the Veſſel
wherein they are put be any thing wide, in
regard that men heed not that the ſurface
of Water in Veſſels will be concave,
but that of Quick-ſilver, notably convex
or protuberant: To avoid this uſual over­
ſight (I ſay) we made uſe of a glaſs bubble,
blown very thin at the Flame of a Lamp,
that it might not be too heavy for the
Ballance, and terminating in a very ſlender
neck, wherein the concavity or convexity
of a Liquor could not be conſiderable:
This Glaſs weighing 23 1/2 Grains, we fill'd

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