Boyle, Robert, New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air and its effects, 1660
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              almoſt with Quick-ſilver, and faſtning a
              mark over againſt the middle of the pro­
              tuberant Superficies as near as our Eyes
              could judge, we found that the Quick­
              ſilver alone weighed 299 1/32 Grains: Then
              the Quick-ſilver being pour'd out, and
              the ſame Glaſs being fill'd as full of com­
              mon Water, we found the Liquor to
              weigh 21 7/8 Grains. </s>
              <s>Whereby it appear'd
              that the weight of Water to Quick­
              ſilver, is as one to (13 19/28): Though our Il­
                <emph type="italics"/>
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              (queſtionleſs not for
              want of Judgement or Care, but of ex­
              act Inſtruments) makes the proportion
              betwixt thoſe two Liquors to be greater
              then of 1 to 17. And to adde, that up­
              on the by, ſince Quick-ſilver and well
              rectified Spirit of Wine, are (how juſtly
              I ſay not) accounted, the one the hea­
              vieſt, and the other the lighteſt of Li­
              quors; we thought to fill in the ſame
              Glaſs, and with the ſame Scales to ob­
              ſerve the difference betwixt them, which
              we found to be as of 1 to (16 641/1084); where­
              by it appear'd, That the difference be­
              twixt Spirit of Wine, that may be made
              to burn all away, (ſuch as was ours) and
              common Water, is as betwixt 1 and (1 44/171) </s>