Barrow, Isaac, Lectiones opticae & geometricae : in quibus phaenomenon opticorum genuinae rationes investigantur, ac exponuntur: et generalia curvarum linearum symptomata declarantur

Table of contents

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[51.] Prop. 3.
[52.] Prop. 4.
[54.] Problema I.
[55.] Exemp. I.
[56.] Exemp. II.
[57.] Probl. II.
[58.] Exemp. I.
[59.] _Exemp_. II.
[60.] _Probl_. III.
[61.] _Probl_. IV.
[62.] _Probl_. V.
[63.] _Probl_. VI.
[64.] _Probl_. VII
[65.] _Probl_. VIII.
[66.] _Probl_. IX.
[67.] _Probl_. X.
[68.] _Corol. Theor_. I.
[69.] _Theor_. II.
[70.] _Theor_. III.
[71.] _Theor_. IV.
[72.] _Theor_. V.
[73.] _Theor_. VI.
[74.] _Theor_. VII.
[75.] Lect. XIII.
[76.] Æquationum Series prima.
[77.] _Notetur autem_,
[78.] Series ſecunda.
[79.] Not.
[80.] Series tertia.
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page |< < (133) of 393 > >|
326133 GZ, GK media GL, bimedia GM, trimedia GN; propoſitas æ-
explicabunt lineæ.
Nam ſi AG (vel GZ) vocetur _a_;
erit BG (vel GK) = _a_ - _b_; & GLq = _aa_ - _ba_; & GM cub.
= _a_3 - _baa_;
& GN _qq_ = _a_4 - _ba_3.
3. Curva BLL eſt _hyperbola æquilatera_, cujus _axis_ AB, reliquæ
ſunt _hyperboliformes._
4. Si AB biſecetur in O, triſecetur in P, quadriſecetur in Q, du-
ad AR parallelæ OT, PV, QX, erunt curvarum BLL,
, BNN _aſymptoti._
5. Hinc ſeqiutur in ſecundo gradu fore _a_ & gt; _n_ + {_b_/2}; in tertio
gt;_ n_ + {_b_/3}; in quarto _a_ & gt; _n_ + {_b_/4}; quòd ſi _n_ ſatis magna ſit,
inæqualitates ad æqualitatem proximè accedunt.
_b_ - _a_ = _n_.
_ba_ - _aa_ = _nn_.
_baa_ - _a_3 = _n_3.
_ba_3-_a_4 = _n_4. & c.
Sit AB = _b_, & anguli RAB, SBA ſemirecti; tum curvæ
11Fig. 280. ALB, AMB, ANB tales, ut ductâ rectâ GK ad AB utcunque
(quæ lineas expoſitas ſecet, ut vides) ſit inter AG
(ſeu GZ) &
GK _media_ GL, _bimedia_ GM, _trimedia_ GN; pro-
æquationes explicatas dabunt lineæ.
Nam poſito fore AG
= _a_, erit GK = _b_ - _a_;
& GLq = _ba_ - _aa_; & GMq =
- _a_3.
& GNq = _ba_3 - _a_4.

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