Foscarini, Paolo Antonio, An epistle to fantoni, 1661

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1words; (r) In Principio creavit Elohim Cœlum & Terram: for

that they did not ſee how the Noun Plural Elohim (which is as much
as to ſay Dij, [Gods] ſhould be joyned with the Verb Singular,
Creavit: But the Myſtery of the Unity of Eſſence and Trinity
of Perſons in God being revealed, it was preſently known, that
the Singular Number, Creavit, had reference to the Unity of Eſ­
ſence, (in regard that the Works of the Trinity ad extra are in­
diviſible) and the Plural, Elohim, to the Perſons. Who, I pray,
in elder times could have found out this Myſtery?
And thus the
Name of God is thrice repeated in Pſal. 67. (s) God, even our

God ſhall bleſſe us, God ſhall bleſſe us, &c. Which at firſt might
ſeem a Pleonaſme, and ſuperfluous repetition; but afterwards it
was evident that David did there ſet out the Benedictions of ſe­
veral Perſons implyed, to wit, the Father, Son, and Holy Ghoſt.
Innumerable Examples of the like kind may be found in the Sa­
cred Leaves.
Therefore, to conclude, I will ſay with ^{*}David,

Pſal. 92. Oh Lord how glorious are thy Works! thy thoughts
are very deep: an unwiſeman knoweth not, and a fool doth not
underſtand theſe things.
(m) Numb. c. >20.
v. 5.
(n) Joel c. 1. v. 12.
(o) Hagg. c. 2.
v. 19.
(p) Deut. c. 8. v. 8.
(q) 1 Kings c 7.
v. 20. & 2 Kings
c. 25. v. 17. &
2 Chro. c. 3. v. 15,
16. & c. 4. v. 12.
13. & Jerem. c.
52. v. 21, 22.
(r) Gen. c. 1. v. 1
(s) Pſal. 67. v. 6
* Pſal. 92 v. 536.
Theſe are the particulars that I have thought fit to offer, as
a Divine, concerning the not-improbable Opinion of the Mobili­
ty of the Earth and Stability of the Sun: which I hope will be
acceptable to you, Reverend Sir, out of the love and diligence
wherewith you perſue Virtue and Learning.
But (to the end
that you may alſo receive an account of my other Studies) I
hope very ſhortly to publiſh in Print my Second Tome ^{*}Of the In-

ſtitutions of all Learnings, which ſhall containe all the Liberall
Arts, as I have already ſignified in that Syntax, and Spicimen by
me heretofore put forth, and publiſhed under your Name.
other five following Tomes by me promiſed (which ſhall treat of
Phyloſophy and Theology) are not altogether ſo forward, ne­
vertheleſs they will be ſpeedily finiſhed.
In the mean time there
will come forth my Book Concerning ^{*} Oracles, now finiſhed, to­

gether with a Treatiſe ^{*} Of Artificial Divination. And for a

pledge thereof, I ſend you at this time annexed to this Epiſtle a
Tract ^{*} Concerning Natural Coſmological Divination, or of Natu­

ral Prognoſticks, and Preſages of the Changes oſ Weather, and
other things which fall within the compaſſe of Natue.
God grant
you all Happineſſe.
* Inſtitutionum
omnium Doctri­
* De Oraculis.
* De Divinatio­
ne artificioſa.
* De Divinatio­
ne Naturali Coſ­
Moſt Reverend Sir
NAPLES, from the Covent
of the Carmelites, Jan.
6. 1615.
Your Moſt Humble Servant

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