Boyle, Robert, New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air and its effects, 1660
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1eminent Modern Writers, who will not
allow the Atmoſphere to exceed above
two or three Miles in height (as the Fa­
mous Kepler will not the Aër refractivus)
and to have rendred a reaſon why in the
mention we made in the Notes upon the
firſt Experiment, touching the height of
the Atmoſphere, we ſcrupled not to ſpeak
of it, as if it might be many Miles high.
WE will now proceed to recite a

Phænomenon, which, though
made amongſt the firſt, we thought fit
not to mention till after many others, that
we might have the opportunity to ob­
ſerve as many Circumſtances of it as we
could, and ſo preſent Your Lordſhip at
once, moſt of what we at ſeveral times
have taken notice of concerning ſo odde
a Phænomenon.
ment 37.
Our Engine had not been long finiſh'd,
when, at the firſt leaſure we could ſteal
from our occaſions to make tryal of it,
we cauſ'd the Air to be pump'd out of
the Receiver; and whil'ſt I was buſied in
entertaining a Learned Friend that juſt
then came to viſit me, an Ingenious By-

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