Boyle, Robert, New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air and its effects, 1660

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1ſtander, thought he perceiv'd ſome new
kind of Light in the Receiver, of which
giving me haſtily notice, my Friend and
I preſently obſerv'd, that when the Suc­
ker was drawn down, immediately upon
the turning of the Key, there appear'd
a kinde of Light in the Receiver, almoſt
like a faint flaſh of Lightening in the
Day-time, and almoſt as ſuddenly did it
appear and vaniſh.
Having, not with­
out ſome amazement, obſerv'd divers
of theſe Apparitions of Light, we took
notice that the Day was clear, the hour
about ten in the Morning, that the onely
Window in the Room fac'd the North;
and alſo, that by interpoſing a Cloak, or
any opacous Body between the Receiver
and the Window, though the reſt of the
Room were ſufficiently enlightned, yet
the flaſhes did not appear as before, un­
leſs the opacous Body were remov'd.
But not being able on all theſe Circum­
ſtances to ground any firm Conjecture
at the cauſe of this ſurpriſing Phænome­
non, as ſoon as Night was come, we
made the Room very dark; and plying
the Pump, as in the Morning, we could
not, though we often try'd, find, upon
the turning of the Key, ſo much as the

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