Boyle, Robert, New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air and its effects, 1660

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1they were wont to play up and down
in it, and ſo by their whiteiſhneſs, to e­
mulate in ſome meaſure the apparition of
For we likewiſe ſometimes found, by
watchful obſervation, that when the
Flaſh was great, not onely at the very
inſtant the Receiver loſt of its tranſpa­
rency, by appearing full of ſome kinde
of whitiſh ſubſtance; but that for ſome
ſhort time after the ſides of the Glaſs
continued ſomewhat opacous, and
ſeem'd to be darken'd, as if ſome
whitiſh Steam adher'd to the inſide of
He that would render a Reaſon of
the Phænomenon, whereof all theſe are
not all the Circumſtances, muſt doe
two things; whereof the one is diffi­
cult, and the other little leſs then im­
poſſible: For he muſt give an Ac­
count not onely whence the appearing
whiteneſs proceeds, but wherefore that
whiteneſs does ſometimes appear and
ſometimes not.
For our part, we freely confeſſe
our ſelves at a loſſe about rendering

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