Stelliola, Niccol� Antonio, De gli elementi mechanici, 1597

Table of figures

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[Figure 31]
[Figure 32]
[Figure 33]
[Figure 34]
[Figure 35]
[Figure 36]
[Figure 37]
[Figure 38]
[Figure 39]
[Figure 40]
[Figure 41]
[Figure 42]
[Figure 43]
[Figure 44]
[Figure 45]
[Figure 46]
[Figure 47]
[Figure 48]
[Figure 49]
[Figure 50]
[Figure 51]
[Figure 52]
[Figure 53]
[Figure 54]
[Figure 55]
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page |< < of 69 > >|
          <chap id="N109C7">
            <pb xlink:href="041/01/034.jpg" pagenum="33"/>
          <chap id="N10A15">
            <p id="N10A16" type="head">
              <s id="N10A18">
                <emph type="italics"/>
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              II. </s>
            <p id="N10A20" type="main">
              <s id="N10A22">Date qual ſi uoglia due grauezze, nelli raggi che fac­
              ciano angolo dato, ritrouar nelle loro circolationi, pon­
              ti oue facciano equipondio. </s>
            <figure id="id." xlink:href="041/01/034/1.jpg" number="31"/>
            <p id="N10A2B" type="head">
              <s id="N10A2D">
                <emph type="italics"/>
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
            <p id="N10A33" type="main">
              <s id="N10A35">
                <emph type="italics"/>
              Sia l'aſſe A: li raggi che facciano
                <expan abbr="ãgolo">angolo</expan>
              dato A C, B A: & intendaſi
                <expan abbr="nel­li">nel­
              ponti B e C, eſſer li
                <expan abbr="cẽtri">centri</expan>
              delle grauezze: & le circonferenze che det­
              ti ponti girando attorno fanno, ſiano E B, C F: ſi cercano in dette cir­
                <emph.end type="italics"/>