Boyle, Robert, New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air and its effects, 1660

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1ceiver ſeem more opacous at the very
moment of the ruſhing out of the Air:
For conſidering that the whiteneſs, whoſe
cauſe we enquire of, did but ſometimes ap­
pear, it ſeem'd not impoſſible but that at
ſuch times the Air in the Receiver might
abound with Particles, capable of re­
flecting the Light in the manner requiſite
to exhibit a white colour, by their being
put into a certain unuſual Motion.
may be in ſome meaſure illuſtrated by
this, That the new motion of the freſhly
mention'd Fumes, made the inſide of the
Receiver appear ſomewhat darker then
before: And partly by the nature of our
formerly mention'd ſmoking Liquor,
whoſe parts though they ſeem'd tranſpa­
rent whil'ſt they compoſ'd a Liquor, yet
when the ſame Corpuſcles, upon the un­
ſtopping of the Glaſs, were put into a
new motion, and diſpoſ'd after a new
manner, they did opacate that part of the
Air they mov'd in, and exhibited a great­
er whiteneſs then that which ſometimes
appears in our Pneumatical Veſſel.
ſhould we content our ſelves with this ſin­
gle Inſtance, to manifeſt, That little Bo­
dies, which being rang'd after one manner,
are Diaphanous and Colourleſs, may, by

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