Boyle, Robert, New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air and its effects, 1660

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              by ſome of them: We had, with pure
              Spirit of Wine, drawn a Tincture out of
              a certain Concrete which uſes to be rec­
              koned among Mineral Bodies; And this
              Tincture being very pure and tranſparent,
              we did, becauſe we put a great value upon
              it, put into a Cryſtal Viol which we care­
              fully ſtopp'd, and lock'd up in a Preſs a­
              mong ſome other things that we ſpecial­
              ly priz'd. </s>
              <s>This Liquor being a Chy­
              mical Rarity, and beſides, very defecate
              and of a pleaſing Golden Colour; we
              had often occaſion to look upon it, and
              ſo to take notice, that one time it ſeem'd
              to be very much troubled, and not clear
              as it was wont to be: Whereupon we ima­
              gined, that though it would be ſomething
              ſtrange, yet it was not impoſſible that
              ſome Precipitation of the Mineral Cor­
              puſcles was then happening, and that
              thence the Liquor was opacated; but,
              finding after ſome days that though the
              expected Precipitation had not been
              made, yet the Liquor, retaining its for­
              mer vivid Colour, was grown clear again
              as before; we ſomewhat wondered at it,
              and locking it up again in the ſame Preſs,
              we reſolved to obſerve, both whether
              the like changes would again appear in </s>