Boyle, Robert, New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air and its effects, 1660

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WE took a Glaſs Veſſel, open

at the top, and into it we put
a mixture of Snow and common Salt
(ſuch a mixture as we have in another
Treatiſe largely diſcourſed of) and in­
to the midſt of this mixture we ſet a
Glaſſe, of a Cylindrical form, cloſely
ſtopp'd at the lower end with Plaiſter,
and open at the upper, at which we
fill'd it with common Water.
things being let down into the Recei­
ver, and the Pump being ſet awork,
the Snow began to melt ſomewhat fa­
ſter then we expected; whether upon
the account of the Exſuction of the
Air, or becauſe there was but little of
the Snow, or whether for any other
Reaſon, it appeared doubtfull.
however, by that time the Receiver
had been conſiderably exhauſted, which
was done in leſſe then 1/4 of an hour,
we perceived the Water near the bot­
tom of the Glaſs Cylinder to Freeze,
and the Ice by a little longer ſtay, ſeem'd
to encreaſe, and to riſe ſomewhat higher

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