Boyle, Robert, New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air and its effects, 1660

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1Yoke of Oxen drawing it ſeveral ways. I
know, My Lord, that to ſolve this Pro­
blem, it will be ſaid, That Congelation
does not (as is commonly, but erroneouſly
preſum'd) reduce water into leſs room
then it poſſeſſ'd before, but rather makes
it take up more.
And I have elſewhere
prov'd by particular Experiments, That
whether or no Ice may be truly ſaid to be
Water rarefi'd (for that ſeems queſtion­
able) it may be ſaid to take up more room
then the Water did before Glaciation.
But though we grant that freezing makes
Water ſwell, yet, how Cold (which in
Weather-Glaſſes manifeſtly condences
the Air) ſhould expand either the Water,
or the intercepted Air ſo forcibly, as to
perform ſuch things as we have newly re­
lated, will yet remain a Problem.
In . 4.
WE took an Oval Glaſs, clear and

(leaſt it ſhould break) pretty
ſtrong, with a ſhort Neck at the obtuſer
end, through this Neck, we thruſt almoſt
to the bottom, a Pipe of Glaſs, which was
cloſely Cemented to the newly mention'd
Neck, the upper part of which Pipe,
was drawn in ſome places more ſlender

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