Wilkins, John, A discovery of a new world : or a discourse tending to prove, that 'tis probable there may be another Habitable World in the Moon ; with a discourse concerning the Probability of a Passage thither; unto which is added, a discourse concerning a New Planet, tending to prove, that 'tis probable our earth is one of the Planets

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354174That the Earth may be a Planet. rical part of Aſtronomy, you may ſee more
fully ſet down by thoſe who have purpoſely
handled this Subject, Copernicus, Rheticus,
but more eſpecially Keplar, unto
whom I do acknowledg my ſelf indebted for
ſundry Particulars in this Diſcourſe.
I have done with that which was the chief
purpoſe of the preſent Treatiſe;
the removal of thoſe common Prejudices
that Men uſually entertain againſt this Opi-
It remains, that by way of Conclu-
ſion, I endeavour to ſtir up others unto theſe
kind of Studies, which by moſt Men are
ſo much neglected.
’Tis the moſt rational way, in the proſe-
cution of ſeveral Objects, to proportion
our love and endeavour after every thing,
according to the excellency and deſireable-
neſs of it.
But now, amongſt all Earthly
Contentments, there is nothing either bet-
ter in it ſelf, or more convenient for us, than
this kind of Learning;
and that, whether
you conſider it according to its general Na-
ture, as a Science;
or according to its more
ſpecial Nature, as ſuch a Science.
1. Conſider it as a Science. Certain it is,
that amongſt the variety of Objects, thoſe
are more eligible, which conduce unto the
welfare of that which is our beſt part, our
’Tis not ſo much the pleaſing of
our Senſes, or the increaſing of our For-
tunes, that does deſerve our induſtry, as
the information of our Judgments, the im-
provement of our Knowledg.

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