Boyle, Robert, New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air and its effects, 1660

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1ly pent up in the Glaſs; yet I, that love
not to believe any thing upon Conje­
ctures, when by a not over-difficult Ex­
periment I can try whether it be True or
no, thought it the ſafeſt way to obviate
Objections, and remove Scruples, by ſhut­
ting up another Mouſe as cloſe as I could
in the Receiver, wherein it liv'd above
three quarters of an hour; and might pro­
bably have done ſo much longer, had not
a Virtuoſo of quality, who in the mean
while chanc'd to make me a Viſit, deſir'd
to ſee whether or no the Mouſe could be
kill'd by the exſuction of the ambient Air,
whereupon we thought fit to open, for a
little while, an intercourſe betwixt the
Air in the Receiver, and that without it,
that the Mouſe might thereby (if it were
needful for him) be refreſh d, and yet we
did this without uncementing the Cover
at the top, that it might not be objected,
that perhaps the Veſſel was more cloſely
ſtopp'd for the exſuction of the Air then
The Experiment had this event, that
after the Mouſe had liv'd ten Minutes,
(which we aſcrib'd to this, that the Pump,
for want of having been lately Oyl'd,
could move but ſlowly, and could not by

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