Boyle, Robert, New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air and its effects, 1660

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A Digreſsion containing ſome
Doubts touching Reſpi­
I Fear Your Lordſhip will now expect,
that to theſe Experiments I ſhould add
my Reflections on them, and attempt,
by their aſſiſtance, to reſolve the Diffi­
culties that occur about Reſpiration; ſince
at the beginning I acknowledg'd a further
Enquiry into the Nature of that, to have
been my Deſign in the related Tryals.
But I have yet, becauſe of the inconve­
nient Seaſon of the Year, made ſo few
Experiments, and have been ſo little ſa­
tisfied by thoſe I have been able to make,
that they have hitherto made Reſpiration
appear to me rather a more, then a leſs
Myſterious thing, then it did before.
yet, ſince they have furniſh'd me with
ſome ſuch new Conſiderations, concern­
ing the uſe of the Air, as confirms me in
my Diffidence of the Truth of what is
commonly believ'd touching that matter;
That I may not appear ſullen or lazy, I
am content not to decline employing a

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