Boyle, Robert, New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air and its effects, 1660

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1few hours in ſetting down my Doubts, in
preſenting Your Lordſhip ſome Hints,
and in conſidering whether the Tryals
made in our Engine, will at leaſt aſſiſt us
to diſcover wherein the Deficiency lies
that needs to be ſupply'd.
And this, My Lord, being all my pre­
ſent Deſign, I ſuppoſe You will not ex­
pect that (as if You knew not, or had for­
gotten what Anatomiſts are wont to
teach) I ſhould entertain You with a need­
leſs Diſcourſe of the Organs of Reſpira­
tion, and the variety of their Structure in
ſeveral Animals; though if it were ne­
ceſſary, and had not been perform'd by o­
thers, I ſhould think, with Galen, that by

treating of the Fabricks of living Bodies,
I might compoſe Hymns to the wiſe Au­
thor of Nature, who, in the excellent con­
trivance of the Lungs, and other parts of
(thoſe admirable Engines) Animals, ma­
nifeſts himſelf to be indeed what the Elo­
quent Prophet moſt juſtly ſpeaks him,
Wonderful in Counsel, and excellent in

Galenus de
, Part:
lib. 3.
Nor ſhall we any further meddle with
thoſe Controverſies ſo much agitated a­
mong the Moderns, namely, Whether the
motion of the Lungs in Reſpiration be their

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