Blancanus, Josephus, Sphaera mvndi, sev cosmographia demonstratiua , ac facile methodo tradita : in qua totius Mundi fabrica, vna cum nouis, Tychonis, Kepleri, Galilaei, aliorumq' ; Astronomorum adinuentis continentur ; Accessere I. Breuis introductio ad geographiam. II. Apparatus ad mathematicarum studium. III. Echometria, idest Geometrica tractatio de Echo. IV. Nouum instrumentum ad Horologia

Table of Notes

< >
< >
page |< < (21) of 300 > >|
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        <div xml:id="echoid-div44" type="section" level="1" n="27">
            <s xml:id="echoid-s2295" xml:space="preserve">
              <pb o="21" file="0037" n="37" rhead="Liber Primus."/>
            @olumna quinta, & </s>
            <s xml:id="echoid-s2296" xml:space="preserve">è regione eius ſiniſtrorſum procedendo vſque ad columnam ſigni illius, accipe nume-
            rum ibi ſcriptum, v. </s>
            <s xml:id="echoid-s2297" xml:space="preserve">g. </s>
            <s xml:id="echoid-s2298" xml:space="preserve">declinatio gr. </s>
            <s xml:id="echoid-s2299" xml:space="preserve">4. </s>
            <s xml:id="echoid-s2300" xml:space="preserve">♋. </s>
            <s xml:id="echoid-s2301" xml:space="preserve">erit gr. </s>
            <s xml:id="echoid-s2302" xml:space="preserve">23. </s>
            <s xml:id="echoid-s2303" xml:space="preserve">28|. </s>
            <s xml:id="echoid-s2304" xml:space="preserve">quæ communis cſt etiam 4. </s>
            <s xml:id="echoid-s2305" xml:space="preserve">gradui ♑. </s>
            <s xml:id="echoid-s2306" xml:space="preserve">Hinc co-
            gnito gradu, in quo Sol verſatur, facilè promiſio modo, Solis declinationem cognoſcemus. </s>
            <s xml:id="echoid-s2307" xml:space="preserve">ſi autem gra-
            dibus oblatis adhæſerint aliquot minuta, debes pro minutis illius accipere declinationem tanto maiorem,
            vel minorem, quantum proportio exegerit: </s>
            <s xml:id="echoid-s2308" xml:space="preserve">nam ſi declinationes creſcant, vt fit in 6. </s>
            <s xml:id="echoid-s2309" xml:space="preserve">ſignis ſuperioribus
            Tabellæ, acccipitur ma@or; </s>
            <s xml:id="echoid-s2310" xml:space="preserve">ſi verò decreſcant, vt in 6. </s>
            <s xml:id="echoid-s2311" xml:space="preserve">ſignis inferioribus Tab. </s>
            <s xml:id="echoid-s2312" xml:space="preserve">accipitur minor.</s>
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        <div xml:id="echoid-div45" type="section" level="1" n="28">
          <head xml:id="echoid-head30" style="it" xml:space="preserve">Tabula declinationem omnium Eclypticæ graduum,
          & conſequenter Solis.</head>
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          # ♈ # ♎ # ♉ # ♏ # ♊ # ♐
          # Gr. # M. # Gr. # M. # Gr. # M.
          0 # 0 # 0 # 11 # 31 # 20 # 13 # 30
          1 # 0 # 24 # 11 # 52 # 20 # 26 # 29
          2 # 0 # 48 # 12 # 13 # 20 # 38 # 28
          3 # 3 # 12 # 12 # 33 # 20 # 50 # 27
          4 # 3 # 36 # 12 # 54 # 21 # 1 # 26
          5 # 3 # 58 # 13 # 14 # 21 # 12 # 25
          6 # 2 # 23 # 13 # 34 # 21 # 23 # 24
          7 # 2 # 47 # 13 # 54 # 21 # 33 # 23
          8 # 3 # 11 # 14 # 14 # 21 # 43 # 22
          9 # 3 # 35 # 14 # 33 # 21 # 53 # 21
          10 # 3 # 58 # 14 # 52 # 22 # 2 # 20
          11 # 4 # 0 # 15 # 11 # 22 # 10 # 19
          12 # 4 # 46 # 15 # 29 # 22 # 19 # 18
          13 # 5 # 0 # 15 # 48 # 22 # 26 # 17
          14 # 5 # 32 # 16 # 6 # 22 # 34 # 16
          15 # 5 # 56 # 16 # 24 # 22 # 41 # 15
          16 # 6 # 10 # 16 # 41 # 22 # 47 # 14
          17 # 6 # 42 # 16 # 58 # 22 # 53 # 13
          18 # 7 # 5 # 17 # 16 # 22 # 59 # 12
          19 # 7 # 28 # 17 # 32 # 22 # 4 # 11
          20 # 7 # 51 # 17 # 48 # 23 # 9 # 10
          21 # 8 # 13 # 18 # 4 # 23 # 13 # 9
          22 # 8 # 36 # 18 # 18 # 23 # 17 # 8
          23 # 8 # 58 # 18 # 35 # 23 # 20 # 7
          24 # 9 # 21 # 18 # 50 # 23 # 23 # 6
          25 # 9 # 43 # 19 # 5 # 23 # 26 # 5
          26 # 10 # 5 # 19 # 19 # 23 # 28 # 4
          27 # 10 # 26 # 19 # 33 # 23 # 29 # 3
          28 # 10 # 48 # 19 # 47 # 23 # 31 # 2
          29 # 11 # 9 # 20 # 0 # 23 # 31 # 1
          30 # 11 # 31 # 20 # # 13 # 23 # 31 # 0
          # ♓ # ♍ # ♒ # ♌ # ♑ # ♋