Boyle, Robert, New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air and its effects, 1660

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1ance to its Spring then elſewhere. And
this brings into my minde that ſtrange
Obſervation of Nicolaus Fontanus, a Phy­

ſitian at Amſterdam, who teſtifies, That
in a Boy of the ſame Town, four years
old, there was found, inſtead of Lungs, a
certain Membranous Bladder; which be­
ing fill'd with Wind, and furniſh'd with
little Veins, had its origination from the
Wind-Pipe it ſelf; which being ſuppoſ'd
true, how well it will agree with moſt of
the Opinions touching Reſpiration, I leave
to be conſidered.
Fontanus >
apud Bar­
tholin: lib.
2. cap. 9.
And thus may the grand Objection of
Bartholine, and others, be anſwered: But
I leave to Anatomiſts to conſider what is
to be ſaid to ſome Obſervations that ſeem
to contradict thoſe Anatomical Experi­
ments already mention'd: Such was par­
ticularly that which I remember I have
read in Sennertus (from the obſervation of
his Father-in-law Schato) of a Melancho­
ly Student, who having ſtabb'd himſelf,
and pierced the Diaphragme in the thinner
or tendonous part (call'd by many the
Nervous Circle) lived ſeven Moneths af­
ter he had ſo wounded himſelf, though af­
ter his death (preceded by violent Vomit-

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