Boyle, Robert, New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air and its effects, 1660

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              to have been kill'd by the want of Air, we
              foreſee another Argument that we muſt
              deal ſo ingeniouſly with Your Lordſhip,
              as not to conceal. </s>
              <s>You very well know,
              that beſides the generality of the
              Schools, there are many new Philoſophers
              who, though they diſſent from the old
              Peripateticks in other things, do, as they,
              deny the poſſibility of a
                <emph type="italics"/>
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              hold, that thoſe ſpaces which are devoid
              of Air, and other groſſer Bodies, are all
              of them exactly repleniſhed with a certain
              Etherial Matter, ſo thin and ſubtle, that
              it can freely permeate the Pores of the
              compactedſt and cloſeſt Bodies, and ev'n
              of Glaſs it ſelf. </s>
              <s>Now ſome of thoſe Na­
              turaliſts that are of this perſwaſion may
              object, That the Animals that died in our
              Receivers, did ſo, not ſo much for lack of
              Air, as by reaſon that the Air that was
              pump'd out was neceſſarily ſucceeded by
              an Etherial Subſtance; which conſiſting of
              parts vehemently agitated, and ſo very
              ſmall, as without reſiſtance to paſs in and
              out through the very Pores of Glaſs; it
              may well be ſuppoſ'd, that a conſiderable
              quantity of this reſtleſs and ſubtle Mat­
              ter, meeting together in the Receiver, </s>