Salusbury, Thomas, Mathematical collections and translations (Tome I), 1667

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1bed in the plain of the Ecliptick, and this we will divide into
four equal parts with the two diameters Capricorn Cancer, and
Libra Aries, which, at the ſame time, ſhall repreſent unto us the
four Cardinal points, that is, the two Solſtices, and the two
quinoctials; and in the centre of that circle we will place the
Sun O, fixed and immoveable.
A plain Scheme
repreſenting the
theſis, and its
20[Figure 20]
Let us next draw about the four points, Capricorn, Cancer,
Libra and Aries, as centres, four equal circles, which repreſent
unto us the Earth placed in them at four ſeveral times of the
The which, with its centre, in the ſpace of a year, paſſeth
through the whole circumference, Capricorn, Aries, Cancer,
bra, moving from Eaſt to Weſt, that is, according to the order
of the Signes.
It is already manifeſt, that whilſt the Earth is in
Capricorn, the Sun will appear in Cancer, and the Earth moving

along the arch Capricorn Aries, the Sun will ſeem to move along
the arch Cancer Libra, and in ſhort, will run thorow the Zodiack
according to the order of the Signes, in the ſpace of a year; and
by this firſt aſſumption, without all queſtion, full ſatisfaction is
given for the Suns apparent annual motion under the Ecliptick.
Now, coming to the other, that is, the diurnal motion of the
Earth in it ſelf, it is neceſſary to eſtabliſh its Poles and its Axis,
the which muſt be underſtood not to be erect perpendicularly
upon the plain of the Ecliptick, that is, not to be parallel to the
Axis of the grand Orb, but declining from a right angle 23
grees and an half, or thereabouts, with its North Pole towards

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