Bacon, Francis, Sylva sylvarum : or, a natural history in ten centuries

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37723New Atlantis.
God Bleſs thee, my Son, I will give thee the greateſt Jewel I
for I will impart unto thee, for the love of God and Men,
a Relation of the true ſtate of Solomons Houſe.
Son, to make
you know the true ſtate of Solomons Houſe, I will keep this order.
Firſt, I will ſet ſorth unto you the End of our Foundation. Secondly,
The Preparations and Inſtruments we have for our Works.
The ſeveral Employments and Functions whereto our Fellows are aſſign-
And fourthly, The Ordinances and Rites which we obſerve.
The End of our Foundation, is the Knowledge of Cauſes and Secret
Motions of things, and the enlarging of the Bounds of Humane Empire,
to the effecting of all things poſſible.
The Preparations and Inſtruments, are theſe. We have large and
deep Caves of ſeveral depths;
the deepeſt are ſunk Six hundred fathom,
and ſome of them are digged and made under great Hills and Mountains;

ſo that if you reckon together the depth of the Hill, and the depth of the
Cave, they are (ſome of them) above three miles deep:
For we finde that
the depth of an Hill, and the depth of a Cave from the Flat, is the ſame
thing, both remote alike from the Sun and Heavens Beams, and from the
open Air.
Theſe Caves we call the Lower Region, and we uſe them for
all Coagulations, Indurations, Refrigerations, and Conſervations of
We uſe them likewiſe for the Imitation of Natural Mines, and
the producing alſo of new Artificial metals, by Compoſitions and Mate-
rials which we uſe and lay there for many years.
We uſe them alſo ſome-
times (which may ſeem ſtrange) for curing of ſome Difeaſes, and for pro-
longation of life in ſome Hermits that chuſe to live there, well accommo-
dated of all things neceſſary, and indeed live very long;
by whom alſo we
learn many things.
We have Burials in ſeveral Earths, where we put divers Cements
as the Chineſes do their Porcellane;
but we have them in greater variety
and ſome of them more fine.
We alſo have great variety of Compoſts
and Soils for the making of the Earth fruitful.
We have high Towers, the higheſt about half a mile in height, and
ſome of them likewiſe ſet upon high Mountains, ſo that the vantage of the
Hill with the Tower, is in the higheſt of them, three miles at leaſt.
theſe places we call the Upper Region, accounting the Air between the
high places, and the Low as a Middle Region.
We uſe theſe Towers,
according to their ſeveral heights and ſituations, for Inſolation, Refrige-
ration, Confervation, and for the view of divers Metcors, as Winds, Rain,
Snow, Hail, and ſome of the Fiery Meteors alſo.
And upon them, in ſome
places, are dwellings of Hermits, whom we viſit ſometimes, and inſtruct
what to obſerve.
We have great Lakes, both ſalt and freſh, whereof we have uſe for
the F@ſh and Fowl.
Weuſe them alſo for Burials of ſome Natural Bodies;
for we finde a differencein things buried in Earth, or in Air below the Earth,
and things buried in Water.
We have alſo Pools, of which ſome do ſtrain
Freſh Water out of Salt, and others by Art do turn Freſh Waterinto Salt.

We have alſo ſome Rocks in the midſt of the Sea, and ſome Bays upon
the Shore for ſome Works, wherein is required the Air and Vapor of the
We have likewiſe violent ſtreams and cataracts, which ſerve us for
many Motions;
and likewiſe Engins for multiplying and enforcing oſ
Winds, to ſet alſo on going divers Motions.

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