Boyle, Robert, New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air and its effects, 1660

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1(for methinks they ſpeak doubtfully e­
nough) appear inclinable to it.
But for
ought ever I could ſee in Diſſections, it is
very difficult to make out, how the Air is
convey'd into the left Ventricle of the
Heart, eſpecially the Syſtole and Diaſtole
of the Heart and Lungs, being very far
from being Synchronical: Beſides, that
the Spirits ſeeming to be but the moſt
ſubtle and unctuous Particles of the
Blood, appear to be of a very differing
Nature from that of the lean and incom­
buſtible Corpuſcles of Air.
Other Ob­
jections againſt this Opinion have been
propoſ'd, and preſt by that excellent Ana­
tomiſt, and my Induſtrious Friend, Dr.
Highmore, to whom I ſhall therefore refer
Another Opinion there is touching Re­
ſpiration, which makes the genuine uſe of
it to be Ventilation (not of the Heart,
but) of the Blood, in its paſſage thorow
the Lungs; in which paſſage, it is diſ­
burthened of thoſe Excrementitious
Steams, proceeding, for the moſt part,
from the ſuperfluous Seroſities of the
Blood, (we may adde) and of the Chyle
too, which (by thoſe new Conduits of
late very happily detected by the famous

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