Clavius, Christoph, Geometria practica

Table of contents

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[351.] THEOR. 5. PROPOS. 10.
[352.] THEOR. 6. PROPOS. 11.
[354.] THEOR. 7. PROPOS. 12.
[355.] PROBL. 6. PROPOS. 13.
[356.] PROBL. 7. PROPOS. 14.
[357.] THEOR. 8. PROPOS. 15.
[358.] PROBL. 8. PROPOS. 16.
[360.] SCHOLIVM.
[361.] PROBL. 9. PROPOS. 17.
[362.] PROBL. 10. PROPOS. 18.
[363.] PROBL. 11. PROPOS. 19.
[364.] PROBL. 12. PROPOS. 20.
[365.] THEOR. 9. ROPOS. 21.
[366.] PROBL. 13. PROPOS. 22.
[367.] PROBL. 14. PROPOS. 23.
[368.] PROBL. 15. PROPOS. 24.
[369.] PROBL. 16. PROPOS. 25.
[370.] PROBL. 17. PROPOS. 26.
[372.] PROBL. 18. PROPOS. 27.
[373.] THEOR. 10. PROPOS. 28.
[374.] SCHOLIVM.
[375.] THEOR. 11. PROPOS. 29.
[376.] SCHOLIVM.
[377.] THEOR. 12. PROPOS. 30.
[378.] THEOR. 13. PROPOS. 31.
[379.] THEOR. 14. PROPOS. 32.
[380.] PROBL. 19. PROPOS. 33.
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PROBL. 13. PROPOS. 22.
Ex his patet, cur media linea non debeat vtrique extremæ æquidiſtare, ſed
neutri, vel alteri tantum.
Nam ſi vtrique æquidiſtaret, recta per G, 4430. primi. parallela alterutra extremarum, æquidiſtaret quoque mediæ, ac proinde eam
Quod ſi neutri æquidiſtet, duci poterit per G, parallela vtrilibet
Si verò vni extremarum æquidiſtet, ducenda erit per G, alteripa-

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