Boyle, Robert, New experiments physico-mechanicall, touching the spring of the air and its effects, 1660

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              certain conſiſtence of Air requiſite to Re­
              ſpiration; ſo that if it be too thick, and
              already over-charged with vapors, it will
              be unfit to unite with, and carry off thoſe
              of the Blood, as Water will diſſolve, and
              aſſociate to it ſelf but a certain proportion
              of ſaline Corpuſcles; and if it be too
              thin or rarefied, the number or ſize of the
              Aërial Particles is too ſmall to be able to
              aſſume and carry off the halituous Excre­
              ments of the Blood, in ſuch plenty as is
              requiſite. </s>
            <p type="main">
              <s>Now that Air too much thicken'd (and
              as it were clogg'd) with Steams, is unfit
              for Reſpiration, may appear by what is
              wont to happen in the Lead-Mines of
                <emph type="italics"/>
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              (and, for ought I know, in thoſe
              too of other Countrys, though I have
              ſeen Mines where no ſuch thing was com­
              plain'd of) for I have been inform'd by
              more then one credible Perſon (and parti­
              cularly by an Ingenious Man, that has of­
              ten, for curioſity, digg'd in thoſe Mines,
              and been imploy'd about them) that there
              often riſes Damps, as retaining the
                <emph type="italics"/>
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              Word by which they call them)
              which does ſo thicken the Air, that unleſs
              the Work-men ſpeedily make ſigns to
              them that are above, they would (which </s>