Agricola, Georgius, De re metallica, 1912/1950

Table of figures

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              much gold or silver, are replenished again from crude pyrites alone. </s>
              from this poor ore, with melted pyrites alone, material for cakes cannot
              be made, there are added other fluxes which have not previously been
              melted. </s>
              <s>These fluxes are, namely, lead ore, stones easily fused by fire
              of the second order and sand made from them, limestone,
                <emph type="italics"/>
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              schist, and iron stone
                <emph type="sup"/>
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            <p type="main">
              <s>Although this method of smelting ores is rough and might not seem to
              be of great use, yet it is clever and useful; for a great weight of ores, in
              which the gold, silver, or copper are in small quantities, may be reduced into
              a few cakes containing all the metal. </s>
              <s>If on being first melted they are too
              crude to be suitable for the second melting, in which the lead absorbs the
              precious metals that are in the cakes, or in which the copper is melted out of
              them, yet they can be made suitable if they are repeatedly roasted, some­
              times as often as seven or eight times, as I have explained in the last book.
              <s>Smelters of this kind are so clever and expert, that in smelting they take out
              all the gold and silver which the assayer in assaying the ores has stated to be
              contained in them, because if during the first operation, when he makes the
              cakes, there is a
                <emph type="italics"/>
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              of gold or half an
                <emph type="italics"/>
                <emph.end type="italics"/>
              of silver lost from the ores,
              the smelter obtains it from the slags by the second smelting. </s>
              <s>This method of
              smelting ores is old and very common to most of those who use other methods.</s>
            <p type="main">
              <s>Although lead ores are usually smelted in the third furnace—whose tap­
              hole is always open,—yet not a few people melt them in special furnaces by a
              method which I will briefly explain. </s>
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              first burn such lead ores,
              and afterward break and crush them with large round mallets. </s>
              the two low walls of a hearth, which is inside a furnace made of and vaulted
              with a rock that resists injury by the fire and does not burn into chalk, they
              place green wood with a layer of dry wood on the top of it; then they throw
              the ore on to this, and when the wood is kindled the lead drips down and
              runs on to the underlying sloping hearth
                <emph type="sup"/>
                <emph.end type="sup"/>
              . </s>
              <s>This hearth is made of pulverised