Agricola, Georgius, De re metallica, 1912/1950

Table of figures

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[Figure 231]
[Figure 232]
[Figure 233]
[Figure 234]
[Figure 235]
[Figure 236]
[Figure 237]
[Figure 238]
[Figure 239]
[Figure 240]
[Figure 241]
[Figure 242]
[Figure 243]
[Figure 244]
[Figure 245]
[Figure 246]
[Figure 247]
[Figure 248]
[Figure 249]
[Figure 250]
[Figure 251]
[Figure 252]
[Figure 253]
[Figure 254]
[Figure 255]
[Figure 256]
[Figure 257]
[Figure 258]
[Figure 259]
[Figure 260]
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            <p type="main">
                <pb pagenum="392"/>
              this is laid as much pure lead ore as the heap can bear; then the charcoal is
              kindled, and when the wind blows, it fans the fire so that the ore is smelted.
              <s>In this wise the lead, trickling down from the heap, flows on to the level and
              forms broad thin slabs. </s>
              <s>A few hundred pounds of lead ore are kept at hand,
              which, if things go well, are scattered over the heap. </s>
              <s>These broad slabs are
              impure and are laid upon dry wood which in turn is placed on green wood
              laid over a large crucible, and the former having been kindled, the lead is
            <p type="main">
              <s>The Poles use a hearth of bricks four feet high, sloping on both sides and
              plastered with lute. </s>
              <s>On the upper level part of the hearth large pieces of
              wood are piled, and on these is placed small wood with lute put in between;
              over the top are laid wood shavings, and upon these again pure lead ore
              covered with large pieces of wood. </s>
              <s>When these are kindled, the ore melts and </s>